Russian Science Fiction (
"Russian Science Fiction" literary award

RUSSIAN SF >> "Russian Science Fiction" award >> I round results | II round of the voting
Award statute | History of the award | Frequently asked questions
Appearance of the award and badges | Photos: 2001, 2002 | Last year results

Russian Science Fiction award (see enlarged in separate window) The idea of presenting an award from "Russian Science Fiction" server appeared a long time ago. Initially we wanted to award the Internet pages dedicated to science fiction. I.e. the purpose and objective was to encourage the most interesting and useful Internet projects.

But it has been so that many projects either joined us that year or closed. New interesting projects appear but there are no mighty centres of crystallization. As a result, some people to whom I told about the idea of the new award, said unanimously "Is it not shameful to award yourselves?" We thought, thought and decided that it is shameful indeed.

Russian Science Fiction award (see enlarged in separate window)Although the idea did not die. In some time when a sponsor who wanted to organize something interesting on his money was found a new award was founded. The project was nurtured for a long time (almost a year). We decided to make the main idea presenting the award from as many people as possible. In practice on one convention or festival you can't organize an award from 1000 readers, or 10000, or 100000. And we are perhaps the only ones in Russia who can.

The artists of the server created sketches (there were about 15 different sketches, the most interesting ideas that appeared during the development of the award follow) :


Award badges (author - V.Savvateev)


Award models (author - V.Savvateev)


Author of all models and badges - V.Savvateev.

For received money we got a professional sculptor to make a model basing on the general idea of the award and received sketches. First of all, a plasticine model was created (about 5 centimetres in size) - it was criticized and elaborated. In a month and a half a hermetic model was made - full scale already - but without details (it was further elaborated). In another month a gypsum variant was made and the bronze figure was created basing on it. Due to remoteness in time of all stages from others all ideas had time to settle down, every time the model was analyzed by a fresh gaze. And the result is pleasant to the eye!

Gypsum model of "Russian Science Fiction" award
Gypsum model of "Russian Science Fiction" award

This year we award only novels, although in the next year all three forms will be included.

When forming the nominational list we kept to the beaten track of "Bronze snail". I.e. as a base we use the most high-quality nominational list of "Interpresscon" award (we recieve the list almost 2 months before the "Interpresscon" and we are able to include our variations to it, i.e. the lists are a bit different in the end, but that's not a problem.

The chairman of the returning board of literary award "Russian Science Fiction" is Maksim MOSHKOV. Upon his ideas and insistent recommendations a script for counting voices was created. We decided to make the voting statistics open (i.e. after voting you will immediately see the result) and the voting itself is to be held in two rounds.

In the first round everyone votes, in the second round the "Russian Science Fiction" editors secretly vote on the three leaders of first round. Every editor has as many votes as many sections he directs (what is reasonable). The main result of such scheme is that before the presentation not many people really know who the award will go to (even the server editors don't know), also we insured ourselves from presenting the award to Lukyanenko each year. :) The votes of second round are counted by the co-chairman of the returning board - Vladimir Borisov.

Since 2001 the award is presented at yearly convention of sci-fi writers "Interpresscon" together with "Interpresscon" and "Bronze snail" awards.

Familiarize with the results of voting and award statute.

Editor-in-chief of "Russian Science Fiction" server Dmitriy Vatolin

RUSSIAN SF >> "Russian Science Fiction" award >> I round results | II round of the voting
Award statute | History of the award | Frequently asked questions
Appearance of the award and badges | Photos: 2001, 2002 | Last year results

Russian SF&F -> [Strugatsky Brothers] [Kir Bulychev] [Sergey Lukyanenko] [Henry Lion Oldie] [Vladimir Vasilyev] [Sviatoslav Loginov] [Lyubov and Yevgeny Lukin] [Vladislav Krapivin] [Vyacheslav Rybakov] [Alexander Tyurin] [Alexander Gromov] [Marina and Sergey Dyachenko]

Russian Science Fiction (

Leave your wishes, proposals, opinions
© Server "Russian Science Fiction".
Any use of site materials without consent of the editors is prohibited.
Editors of the section: Konstantin Grishin, Dmitriy Vatolin, Pavel Petrienko.
© 2000 Programming of the voting script Pavel Petrienko.
© Name of the "Russian science fiction" award - Dmitriy Vatolin.
© 2001-2002 Design, pictures of the award, illustrations - Vladimir Savvateev
© 2001-2002 Make-up, preparation - Dmitriy Maevsky
© 2002 Translation into English - Denis Lianda
